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Vegetarian Diet for Women With Pcos Ornal

PCOS been controlling your life for far too long? PCOS symptoms getting you down? According to nutritional therapist Angelique Panagos, who has herself lived with the condition – and reversed the symptoms – the answer is a hormone rebalance. In her book – The Balance Plan (Aster, £13.63; – Panagos explains how by nourishing your body through good food, regular exercise and 'me-time', it really is possible to get rid of PCOS symptoms.

'PCOS may be a lifetime condition, but I am living proof that improving your diet and lifestyle can make a difference,' Panagos says. Indeed, by changing the way she ate - and combating insulin resistance, which 70% of PCOS women also have - Panagos not only overcame PCOS-related weight gain, but also irregular periods and fertility issues; she gave birth to her daughter (conceived naturally) earlier on this year.

And it's not only those with PCOS who can benefit. Finding hormone balance can also help you if you suffer from endometriosis, exhaustion and recurring infections such as cystitis. 'My method, which is grounded in nutrition and functional medicine, has shown phenomenal results in women,' she says. 'It's never too late to free yourself from hormonal turmoil – and you don't need to deprive yourself to get there. My message is that a lifestyle that achieves hormonal balance is about consistency, not perfection. If you get to stressed about it, you'll disrupt your hormones even more. Aim to eat well 80% of the time.'

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it gets better because the recipes taste damn good, too. Try this PCOS diet day plan, which focuses on balancing hormones and increasing insulin sensitivity, to get you started.


Buckwheat & Smoked Salmon Pancakes
Serves 2 (makes 8 pancakes)

'There's a tendency to overeat gluten, which can lead to inflammation in the body - and PCOS. Swap it up a bit with free-from alternatives such as buckwheat. Here, I've combined it with salmon, a source of anti-inflammatory omega 3. The balanced combination of good fats, protein and carbs mean this breakfast won't spike blood sugar levels or insulin.'

You will need, for the pancakes:

  • 355ml water
  • 220g buckwheat flour
  • 1 tsp aluminium and gluten-free baking powder
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil


    • ½ pack of smoked salmon slices
    • 1 large vine tomato, sliced
    • 1 ripe avocado, peeled and chopped
    • A handful of fresh dill, chopped
    • ½ lemon

      1. Blend together all the pancake ingredients, except the coconut oil, to make a smooth batter.
      2. Heat a little coconut oil in a non-stick frying pan. Add tablespoons of batter to the pan to form pancakes about 8-10cm across. Cook for a couple of minutes, or until set on the bottom and bubbles appear on the surface, then flip and cook on the other side.
      3. Keep the pancakes warm while you finish cooking the remaining batter.
      4. Serve stacked with smoked salmon, tomato slices and avocado, and sprinkle with dill and a squeeze of lemon.

      Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Salad, Produce, Vegetable, Recipe, Vegetarian food, Finger food,


      Chunky Chicken Soup
      Serves 3-4

      'Bone broth has been shown to be beneficial for gut health – which in turn can reduce inflammation, and associated insulin resistance. I use it here as a supportive base and add lots of fibre-rich veggies to help eliminate toxins from the body. If you're veggie, opt for a vegetable stock and add in complex carbs such as quinoa and pulses to prevent spikes in your blood sugar.'

      You will need:

      • 1 ½ tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
      • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
      • 1 onion, finely diced
      • 500-600g leftover roast chicken, deboned
      • 4 carrots, roughly chopped
      • 1 leek, finely sliced
      • 3 sticks of celery, roughly chopped
      • ½ butternut squash, deseeded, peeled and diced
      • 2 courgettes, roughly chopped
      • 200ml chicken stock
      • 1 tsp sea salt
      • Black pepper, to taste
      • ¾ tsp dried thyme
      • ¾ tsp dried rosemary
      • A good pinch of saffron
      • 1 bay leaf

        1. Heat the oil slightly in a large soup pot and brown the garlic and onion.
        2. Add the remaining ingredients, then pour in 1 litre of water, making sure everything is covered. Bring to the boil over a high heat.
        3. Skim off any foam that rises to the top, then turn the heat to low and simmer for 30-40 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Add more water as needed.
        4. Once the soup is ready, dish up a hearty bowl and serve with a side salad, if liked.
        5. Allow the rest of the soup to cool, then divide into portions and place in the freezer for later use.

        Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Recipe, Produce, Bowl, Soup,


        Pan-roasted Halibut with Artichokes & Broccoli
        Serves 2

        'I love halibut – it's a great source of protein. I call broccoli a Detox Warrior as it helps the liver to naturally detox itself and remove spent hormones from the body.'

        You will need:

        • 300g tenderstem broccoli
        • 360g halibut fillets
        • 2 tbsp capers
        • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
        • A handful of fresh parsley, finely chopped
        • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh tarragon
        • 1 tbsp finely chopped fresh chives

          For the artichokes:

          • 1 x 400g BPA-free tin of artichoke hearts, drained and halved
          • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
          • Extra virgin olive oil
          • Juice of 1 lemon
          • Sea salt and pepper

            1. Arrange the artichokes in an ovenproof pan with the garlic. Drizzle over a splash of oil, a squeeze of lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Bake at 200C for 10 minutes.
            2. Remove the pan from the oven, add the broccoli and halibut fillets and scatter the capers into the pan. Season well, then lay the lemon slices over the halibut and drizzle everything with a splash of oil.
            3. Spoon any juices over the fish and broccoli before returning the pan to the oven. Bake for a further 15 minutes or until the fish is opaque and cooked through.
            4. Before serving, sprinkle over the parsley, tarragon and chives. Serve with a mixed salad or some cauliflower mash.

            Food, Dish, Cuisine, Ingredient, Vegetable, Produce, Leaf vegetable, Vegetarian food, Recipe, Spring greens,

            THE PCOS DIET – SIDE

            Simple Sauerkraut
            Makes a 1 litre jar

            'Research shows that fermented foods can improve the quality of your gut microbiome, which can not only ease inflammation in the body, but also balance hormones, promote the elimination of toxins and spent hormones, and help break down foods for better absorption of nutrients.'

            You will need:

            • 1 head of green cabbage, sliced into thin ribbons
            • 1 ½ tbsp sea salt

              1. Tip the cabbage into a large mixing bowl and sprinkle over the salt. Using your hands, massage the salt into the cabbage for 5-10 minutes until the cabbage becomes slightly limp.
              2. Take handfuls of the cabbage and press them tightly into a sterilised 1 litre mason jar. Pour over any liquid you created when massaging the cabbage, then screw on the lid.
              3. Over the course of the next day, remove the lid and press down on the cabbage at least four times. The cabbage should become more limp, and its liquid will eventually rise above it. If, after 24 hours, there's not enough liquid to cover the cabbage, dissolve 1 tsp of salt in 200ml of water and pour in enough to cover.
              4. Ferment in a cool, dark place for at least three days. Taste the cabbage and, if it tastes good to you, pop it into the fridge and eat it alongsidemeals. If you want to ferment it for longer, put it back in a cool, dark place.

              5. Sauerkraut will keep for several months in the fridge.

              Food, Dish, Cuisine, Ingredient, Mason jar, Vegetarian food, Side dish, Vegetable, Produce, Condiment,

              Now to keep up the good work long-term. Panagos shares her tips for the top foods to eat - and those to avoid.

              SAY YES

              'Functioning hormones need to a steady stream of nutrients in order to work efficiently,' Panagos says. 'So focus on foods that will nourish the body.' Which are?

              • Vegetables - dark green ones (broccoli, kale, spinach) are particularly good for fighting inflammation
              • Good-quality protein such as chicken, eggs, turkey, fish, beans and pulses
              • Complex carbs, including brown rice, sweet potato, quinoa and butternut squash
              • Healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil and oily fish
              • Water plus herbal teas and vegetable-based smoothies
              • Fermented foods (sauerkraut, kefir etc)

                THINK TWICE

                'The simple rule of thumb,' Panagos says. 'Is to cut the CRAP.' Which means?

                • C - carbonated drinks. Think coke, Red Bull (we're not judging) and...that tonic water in your G&T.
                • R - refined sugars. Step away from the Krispy Kremes. You. Can. Do. It.
                • A - artificial sweeteners. You're sweet enough as is, don't you know. Really need a boost? Try a little honey.
                • P - processed foods. Not rocket science, really. Stock up on nutrient-dense whole foods and set time aside each week to meal prep - when it comes to alleviating your PCOS symptoms, your body will thank you for it.

                  Read why strength training is the best for PCOS weight or how to manage PCOS symptoms.

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                  Vegetarian Diet for Women With Pcos Ornal
